Wildflower and Herb Lawn

An abundance of flowers and plants ease both mind and soul

One of my lifetime goals has always been to create a lawn with wildflowers and herbs. Not a structured garden but rather a random visual delight, free and wild. 

My mind wanders back to a property owned by my grandparents where lilac, lavender and lily of the valley grew wild along the pathways and honeysuckle grew up the wooden fence that surrounded the boundaries of their land. Often my mind drifts back to the serenity of that beautiful wild garden and I find myself calmed by the memories of the sanctuary they created.

Recently I was driving the backroads around my home to my delight, I discovered an old and abandoned cottage surrounded by an amazing burst of color and a variety of plants, herbs and flowers that looked as if it had been taken straight from the pages of a fairytale. Although the property was in need of TLC and was run down, it’s potential was more than obvious. There was a gazebo, garden gates and shards of beautifully decorated pottery scatted along the paths of the property. I was thoroughly enchanted. 

Not being able to get the cottage out of my mind, I researched the old homestead and found that it had been purchased by the local college for future student housing. Though I understand that student housing is in high demand, I feel saddened that so many of the old family properties have been leveled and replaced by modern multi-level complexes to accommodate the needs of the university. 

I plan to contact the college and see if there is a possibility of collecting some of the beautiful flora to transplant before the property is demolished and to bring some of the magic home to help create my dream of a wildflower lawn.  While I accept the necessity of change and progress, I mourn the loss of charm and grace that often were found in the old homesteads that nurtured the heart and soul. 


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