Decadent Hot Fudge Cake

One of my favorite memories are of winter days spent ice skating on the pond, followed by evening gatherings at my aunts where she treated us to hot fudge cake and ice cream. 


  • 1/3 cup butter
  • 1/2 cup hot water
  • 1 cup sugar 
  • 2 cups flour
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon
  • 2 chocolate squares 
  • 1 tsp. soda
  • 1 tsp. baking powder
  • 1/2 cup molasses
  • 1/4 tsp. salt
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1 tsp. vanilla
  • 2 egg whites
  1. Start by creaming the butter, add sugar and continue creaming. 
  2. Melt chocolate squares 
  3. In separate bowl, beat egg yolks until stiff
  4. Add melted chocolate, egg yolks, molasses, milk, hot water, flour, cinnamon, soda, baking powder, salt and vanilla and beat for two minutes.
  5. Add stiffly beaten egg whites and blend. 
  6. Fill well buttered muffin pans until half-full and bake at moderate temperature for 25 min. 
  7. Serve hot as a dessert and add whipped cream (optional) 

Bobcats, Bears and Donkeys, Oh My!

Busted and heading home

When I first moved to the Smokey Mountain area of North Carolina, I was warned to expect wildlife wandering onto the property.

Last summer I received a visit by a Black Bear who was checking out the garden area and later in the year by a Bobcat displaying an interest in the shed.

What I wasn’t prepared for was a friendly visit by a rather wet and disoriented donkey. 

The morning started with a text from my neighbor, who also happens to be my daughter-in-law. “There’s a donkey in front of your house,” she informed me. Deserting my cup of morning coffee, I decided to check it out for myself, still clothed in my pajamas. Sure enough, in front of the house, grazing on my front lawn stood a wet donkey, gazing back at me. 

Getting more information from my daughter-in-law, the donkey apparently paid a visit to her home (which sits up a high hill behind me), wreaking havoc by scaring her chihuahua into the state of panic. To take control of the situation, she sprayed him with a garden hose. Confused, the donkey wandered down the hill onto my property. 

As I was taking photos, still in my pajamas, the donkey’s owner arrived, rope in hand to lead the animal home. I’m sure he had a bit of a shock to see a woman, clad in nightwear, taking pictures of his runaway donkey, a sight to be seen, I’m sure.

So, how did your morning start?

Moroccan Mint Tea

This is one of the amazing teas that uses herbs (in this case mint) that I will be growing in my herbal garden. There is a vast number of wildflowers, plants and herbs that can be used to create teas for both for both medicinal purposes, and simply to enjoy, both which I will be sharing here in more detail.


“Making Moroccan Mint Tea : Recipe” by DimitraTzanos is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.